Disability After Dark
The podcast shining a bright light on disability stories.
5 months ago

E367 - Disposable Humanity w/ Cameron S. Mitchell and David T. Mitchell

Episode Notes

In E367 I sit down with filmmaker and former guest Cameron S. Mitchell and his dad David T. Mitchell as we explore their new documentary Disposable Humanity. In it, the team of filmmakers and researchers take on the history, memory, and legacy of Aktion T4. How could Aktion T4, a program that resulted in the deaths of over 300,000 disabled people, remain unnoticed for so long? This film is a form of counter-monument resisting an intended erasure that began long ago.

I was so honored to be able to screen the film for this episode of the podcast. Enjoy!

Follow Disposable Humanity at www.disposablehumanity.com Follow Cameron's work: https://www.instagram.com/cameronmakesmovies/

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